Invisalign FAQs

+ What is Invisalign?

Invisalign treatment consists of a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners that you change every 1-2 weeks for the next set of aligners. Each aligner is individually customised for your teeth, and your teeth only. As you replace each aligner, your teeth will move – little by little, week by week – until they have straightened to the final position prescribed by Dr Tan and Dr Doreen.

What's more, a virtual 3D treatment plan (ClinCheck®) shows the series of movements your teeth will go through over the course of the treatment. This allows you to see upfront what your teeth are expected to like at the end of the treatment. From the results of the ClinCheck, your custom-made, clear aligners are produced especially for you.

+ What are the advantages?

If you want to straighten your teeth without the 'metal mouth' appearance of traditional braces then Invisalign is the treatment choice for you. You can undergo treatment without most people even noticing as Invisalign is virtually invisible. The Invisalign system advantages are:

  • Aesthetics: most people don't notice you are having treatment and the aligners can be removed for important social functions.
  • Hygiene: aligners are removed to allow normal tooth brushing and flossing.
  • Comfort: there are no wires and bracket to irritate your mouth and the aligners are removed for eating and drinking.

+ How Invisalign works?

At your consultation, our Specialist Orthodontists (Dr Tan or Dr Doreen) will examine your dentition and discuss treatment goals and expectations. Your Orthodontist will assess if you are suited for Invisalign treatment.

Once your treatment plan is finalized, impressions are taken of your teeth and a 3D model of your teeth is created and we can plan how your teeth will move for bite correction and alignment. This 3D simulation is called a Clincheck. It is a very powerful tool that not only visualizes your treatment objectives, but also gives us a better estimation on how long your treatment takes.

Our Specialist Orthodontists analyses the Clincheck and works closely with the Invisalign technicians to fine tune the perfect smile for you. Each set of aligners are to be worn about 22 hours per day for a 7-14 days each. You are usually issued several sets per appointment allowing your malaligned teeth to move gradually and evolve into that smile you've always wanted.